
Showing posts from June, 2008

time at DRD

at the end of this week, the new website of is published. working with Peter is fun, although some misunderstanding between me and Peter. It is a long story and I can't tell but I respect Peter, like my teacher, who teach me a lot. It's not just technical problems, but more than that. That 's the honor about yourself, others and about we need to think on relationship between people and people. DRD is non-profit organization, not working for business, they working for the rights for disable people. I love the job, working as volunteer at DRD, 8 months is long time. Design a software for normal use is hard, for people but they can't hear you, or see you is very hard. still a lot of thing to learn, usability is hot subject in human computer interaction. As you know, software is for human use, not for computer run. If you can visit, you can feel it not beautiful, it's so simple, right ? keep is simple as possible but not simpler, maybe i...

Designing online social networks: The theories of social groups

Online communities (facilitated by Web 2.0) have become very important over the past few years - not only to niche communities, but now to mainstream brands. Social networking is about human connection and links between people. The reasons why people join groups and social networks are typically that groups can: Provide encouragement and support Establish identity with others and fulfil the need to feel included Provide the outlet for some people to establish their need for recognition, social status, control and/or leadership Alternatively, provide the necessary control over aspects of lives for those who don't want to be leaders (e.g. Weight Watchers) Help establish friends, relationships and the opportunity to interact with others Historically group membership has served an evolutionary survival function - put simply, there's safety in numbers There's been much research into group psychology but not so much about how this applies to a marketer trying to m...

Lessons form Google

This post is copy from I post at my blog for the future use and I need some cookbook(@my blog) for my work Google's aspirations The Google User Experience team aims to create designs that are useful , fast , simple , engaging , innovative , universal , profitable , beautiful , trustworthy , and personable . Achieving a harmonious balance of these ten principles is a constant challenge. A product that gets the balance right is "Googley" – and will satisfy and delight people all over the world. Ten principles that contribute to a Googley user experience 1. Focus on people – their lives, their work, their dreams. The Google User Experience team works to discover people's actual needs, including needs they can't always articulate. Armed with that information, Google can create products that solve real-world problems and spark the creativity of all kinds of people. Improving people's lives, not just easing s...